Sunday, October 10, 2010

Neoplasms: new blog site

This is the first blog of my third blog site. My other two blog sites are: Specified Life and Machiavelli's Laboratory . The Specified Life blog deals with information retrieval, organization, indexing, annotation, classification and analysis. Machiavelli's Laboratory is a blog devoted to issues covered in my satiric online book, Machiavelli's Laboratory, a free ebook on scientific ethics, explained from the perspective of an unethical scientist.

I've written two books about cancer: Neoplasms: Principles of Development and Diversity, and Precancer: The Beginning and the End of Cancer.

My philosophy, in a nutshell, is this: Malignant cancers are very hard to treat, but they are preceded by precancers, that are much easier to treat. If we successfully treated all of the precancers, we would stop all new cancers from developing. Though there are many different neoplasms (i.e., cancers and precancers), we can classify neoplasms into groups with shared properties. These shared properties can be exploited to develop effective treatments that target all of the members of the same class. By dividing neoplasms into sensible classes, and by developing targeted treatments for the precancers within each class, we can put an end to human cancer.

There are many important cancer topics that could not be fully explored in my two published cancer books. I've been writing about cancer in my Specified Life blog, but it makes a poor fit. It's probably best to have a dedicated blog site written for cancer reserachers, pathologists, and healthcare professionals who might be interested in my approach to neoplasia.

In the next few weeks, I plan to expand my discussion of germ cell tumors, started in the Specified Life blog, and to begin a series on epigenomic neoplasia; malignant rhabdoid tumor serving as the prototype.

Jump to tomorrow's blog

-© 2010 Jules J. Berman

key words: cancer, neoplasia, neoplasms, precancer, tumor biology, tumour biology, carcinogenesis, cancer development, pre-cancer, precancerous lesions, pre-malignant lesions, neoplastic development